Kendlebell provide a wide range of Inbound, Outbound and Support Services to represent you in a cost effective manner. We will take care of your calls while you work on your business. We will ensure you never miss a call and business opportunities. We are also proactive in making calls to fill your diary or carry out surveys. We will represent you professionally with agreed text and your calls will be answered as if we are in your office.
Call Answering


Support Services

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Our Call Answering Prices
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We'd Love To
Hear From You.
Here at Kendlebell Ireland we provide a quality service and we know our customers value using an outsourced Phone Answering Service and a Virtual Office Service!
If you are interested, give us a call. We would be happy to help you.
Kendlebell Fairview
K.Bell Limited, Kandoy House,
2 Fairview Strand, Dublin 3, D03 R8P3, Ireland.